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Writer's pictureMissionaries of God's Love

Prison Ministry Incarcerated Youth: A volunteer's experience

Updated: Oct 2

I have ministered to young people in youth detention facilities in two different states of Australia alongside the Missionaries of God’s Love Brothers and Sisters.

The security entering the youth prisons is intense, and I initially felt way in over my head. I had no idea what to say or do or talk about, but as we started talking, praying, worshipping and ministering to the youth I forgot all about where we were as we just focussed on Jesus - lay youth ministers, incarcerated youth and religious together.

Prison Ministry: A volunteer's experience | MGL

Some of the young people in the correctional facilities were very young, and I remember in the middle of the chaotic room of youth we were in, looking over and seeing one of the MGL Sisters standing talking with one of the youngest boys, totally focused on him.

It was so loud and that room was full of distractions, but she was locked in on what he was saying as if it was just the two of them and that young man was the most important person on the planet. I saw the Father’s love in the way she gave him her full, undivided attention, listened to his worries and prayed with him.

More than anything, I walked out of those buildings deeply impacted by the fact that above any of the choices those youth may have made, God was a proud Father of them - same as he is of me, of you, of all of us. That’s the ongoing message the Missionaries of God’s Love prison ministry is communicating - that God cares, that he knows, that he’s there, and he’s a proud Father no matter what.

-Written by an anonymous volunteer in prison ministry

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