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Writer's pictureMissionaries of God's Love

Initial Vows and Promises 2021

On Sunday 12th December, four MGL brothers professed initial vows and five made promises within a celebration Mass of the Disciples of Jesus community. Vinsensius Amuna and Wens Janwarin from Indonesia, Johnrey Labis from Philippines and Lester Agyar from India stepped forward to commit their lives to the Lord. They each knelt before the Cross and declared their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, saying “in taking these vows I consecrate my life to the wounded heart of Jesus broken open in love for the world”. Fr Ken reminded them that a calling is a great gift from God, but with it comes great responsibility. These brothers will begin their formation towards priesthood as such at the end of January 2022.

James Price and Sam Potter, both from Sydney, Leander Solomon from India, and Gonza Alnabe and Rian Sera Surik, both from Indonesia made promises to enter wholeheartedly in the novitiate program in Canberra next year. Keep them in prayer as they move forward into this deeper commitment to follow Jesus and be formed in a life of prayer, brotherhood, and evangelisation.

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