The MGL priests and brothers stationed at the mission centre in Indonesia have certainly been busy running retreats and events for various youth and young adult ministries. They have also maintained a large chaplaincy work with various educational institutions.
The brothers ran a Retreat for the Go Jesus Community in preparation for receiving new members. Go Jesus is a community under the auspice of MGL Indonesia. Go Jesus and MGL run youth retreats in the Maumere Diocese for university and high school students. Go Jesus aspires to be closely affiliated with the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community. On Pentecost Sunday, 22 new members were officially welcomed into the Go Jesus Community.

The MGL priests and brothers also ran a Life in the Spirit Seminar in the MGL St Francis Hall. About 250 participants including Catholic students from Muhammadiyah University (Muslim), UNIPA University and various high schools were in attendance.

Br Martin Lada graduated from STIPAR St Patrus in Ende, Flores with a proud mother witnessing her son receiving a Magna Cum laude. Magna Cum laude is an academic honour awarded to students who have achieved a very high grade point average (GPA).

MGL has been entrusted by the Bishop of Maumere to be chaplains in these universities with more than 7,000 students. Each year about 2,000 students participate in a three-day Life in the Spirit seminar. This has been a fruitful ministry in bringing young people into a relationship with the living God. These retreats are offered at no cost and therefore donations are much appreciated.
