Recently Fr Dan Benedetti and Br Veko had a few days at Nauyu Community (also known as Daly River: famous for Barramundi fishing!) about two and a half hour's drive southwest of Darwin. Fr Dan has a new role supporting Aboriginal leaders and the new priests in remote Communities. The incredible beauty and ruggedness of the Top End speaks of the wonder and power of our God. “In the space of three days, we saw two crocs, wild donkeys, two river snakes, the majestic Jabiru stork and we even saw someone pull in a nice Barra! We celebrated Healing Masses and prayed with many people and visited some very remote places (Emu Point and Merrepen are about three hour's drive from Nauyu on rough dirt roads with many creek crossings - thank God for our 4WD!). Over many years I’ve encountered people and communities with great challenges but also great faith. People are always wanting to have Mass, share their faith and are so open to the Holy Spirit especially prayer for healing. We continue to identify leaders and seek to support them in their local communities.”

Br Veko shares: “Last month I was able to go to Daly with Fr Dan. Fr Dan had been asked by the bishop of Darwin to give formation on cross-cultural awareness to the new priests in the Diocese since he has been doing this cross-cultural ministry for many years. The two SVD priests there were Fr Daniel and Fr Rius. While in Daly we had some experiences like visiting the older people, school visitation and healing Mass. We also traveled to some remote communities. Fr Dan and I were going to different communities, yet we had similar encounters with people who hunger for God.”
