There’s no more important time for MGL than our Convocation, which we have every four years. From November 21st to 29th all the priests and brothers in perpetual vows met in Canberra. We had thirty- eight members at the Convocation, while a few were unable to make it. What a blessed time of brotherhood, review of life and vision-seeking!
Most importantly, we elected a new Moderator! Fr Steve Fletcher has been elected for a term of four years, renewable once. There was much excitement with the announcement. Later in the week the brothers honoured Fr Ken for his 37 years of service in the leadership of the MGL and affirmed him in his ongoing role as Founder. Fr Steve has taken up the reins immediately, but we all know that the transition will take time. Keep Fr Steve in your prayers as he embraces this new leadership role.
The Convocation underlined some highly important foci for the coming years - strengthening our brotherhood across such a diverse range of missions, welcoming and using more confidently the charismatic gifts for evangelisation, and developing pathways in making disciples, especially with the young people and the poor.
One of the most moving nights was when we allowed the Holy Spirit to show us the wounds and failings in our brotherhood and missionary endeavours. It was a night for corporate repentance, reconciliation and restoration in the Spirit.
We also had a night when the hugely diverse missions showcased by sharings, images, and videos their large variety of ministries. When we saw it all together we ourselves were blown away by the amazing way God has used us in bringing the good news of Jesus within the Church and the world today.
And just in case you thought we were too serious we had one night dedicated to trivial pursuit. The times of celebration and affirmation made us all realize what an enormous gift God has bestowed on us, and made us more determined to protect it and share it will all.