A big thank you to all those who opened their pockets to help the international brothers have a home visit over the holiday period. We were able to send them all home to be with family over Christmas. What an enormous blessing! Thank you so much.
Thanks to all who have contributed financially in any way during this last year. We realize everybody is feeling the pinch these days, and all the more reason to be grateful for your support.
May the Lord bless you abundantly this Christmas. Be assured of our love, gratitude and affection for you all. We pray every day for our friends and benefactors, for all who support us in any way. You are a wonderful blessing to us.
Dear friends in Christ,
It has been such a joy to serve as Moderator, but now is the right time for the change to take place. I am delighted with the selection of Fr Steve Fletcher. We are in good hands. He is anointed by the Lord for this purpose. He is a humble, generous, wise and pastoral man. Keep him in your prayers. I trust you will all have a very blessed Christmas. The peace and joy of Christ, the Word made flesh, be with you all.
Fr Ken Barker
Dear friends,
I love the season of Advent. It is full of hope and promise of new things. The incarnation of the Word is the day of fire of God's love. The fulfillment of the promise of communion between humanity and Divinity. The MGLs have begun a new journey in the transition of leadership from Fr Ken as Founder / Moderator to a new moderator. This will be a season of significant change, challenge and the promise of a new time for the mission of the MGLs. We pray that the grace of this Advent season will be realised in the lives of all the faithful as we seek to witness the Savior come into the world.
Blessings for the Christmas season,
Fr Steve Fletcher
Moderator of the Missionaries of God's Love