Recently the MGL mission in Darwin celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the covenant between the St Martin DePorres Catholic Aboriginal Community, Holy Spirit Parish and the Bishop of Darwin. It was a way of recognising the covenant love of God in our common baptism, bringing us together as Indigenous and non-Indigenous Christians on Larrakeyah country. In a world of fragmented relationships and broken vows and promises, the steadfast love of God is the bedrock of all relationships. Humanity is so often mired in conflict and division and incapable of
reconciliation. The human cry across the centuries of war and conflict is to be rescued from death and destruction and to have lasting peace. The Christmas story draws us constantly into the reality of God’s covenant love. God so loved the world that he sent his only Son, Jesus, to restore a broken world. The Son, our Saviour, who reconciles all things and makes all things new, is also mighty God and Prince of Peace. God sends his Son as a baby born in a stable. God reconciles all creation to himself through the vulnerability of the Cross - a radical entering into our pain and suffering. The power of God is manifest not in dominance but in tremendous love which triumphs even over death in the resurrection of Jesus and the outpouring of the Spirit. The Spirit enables everyone to know and experience God’s steadfast love. Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of earth. Enkindle in us the fire of God’s love poured out from the wounded heart of Jesus for all creation. The Cross and resurrection of Jesus makes the covenant love of God always present, always new.
May the grace and peace of the Christ Child be upon you and your families in this season.